Our Team
Pete is an owner and a third generation water well driller and holds a Master Water Well Driller and Pump Installer license from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Pete has served as a board member and past president of the Texas Ground Water Association. His has also been the president and board member for the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District. Pete is a 1966 graduate of Tarleton State University.

Jeff is an owner and fourth generation water well driller. He holds a Master Water Well Driller and Pump Installer license from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Jeff is a 1989 graduate of Texas A&M University.

Randy has been with Brien Water Wells for 15 Years. Randy manages the Ag Irrigation Division and is responsible for all Valley Pivot design, service, sales, and parts.

John represents the 5th generation of Briens in the water well business. John is a graduate of Texas A&M, class of 2019. He also has a Master of Science in Water Management and Hydrological Science

Service Crew
Our service crews receive factory and in house training and are required to attend yearly classes with the TDLR.

Our people are our greatest asset.
We believe our company is only as good as the team behind it.
Pivot Technicians
All of our technicians are Valley certified and attend yearly factory training classes.

Drilling Crews
Our drilling crews are trained in house and attend classes provided by the TDLR yearly.